Changing Venues

SUICIDE – Then What?

(Part 5)

 Changing Venues 

Please seek help if you have suicidal thoughts, or just need to talk to someone.

In Australia: LIFELINE 131114 or BEYOND BLUE 1300 22 4636


God’s love may find a way to set you free, but preferably before suicide.


INSIGHT (You may find this article distressing if you have lost someone to suicide)

Suicides generally find themselves imprisoned in the afterlife. But this can be the beginning of a steep learning curve to their eternal benefit.

 A depressed 20-year-old B J McKelvie overdosed and said before dying, “God please forgive me for what I have done”.

He found himself in total darkness. “There was no ground, no sky, nothing around me except total darkness. It is hard to imagine but I was “nowhere”. There was no light….

Then I heard a voice. This voice was the most angry, big, deep and powerful voice you could ever imagine…as if it could crush you. “Those who commit suicide go nowhere” spoke the voice. It came from up and behind me over my right shoulder and I couldn’t see anyone there.

I said to myself “I really did it” and then torment started…. I was totally alone…

Now, after what seemed to be hours, “you’re not getting a second chance” spoke that voice again. I knew that my hell was starting….

One last time the voice spoke “You’re not getting a second chance – but a new beginning”. This time the voice was so soft and gentle and full of the most love you could imagine”.

I finally woke out of a coma in intensive care with my family at my bedside. I went on to have a full recovery.”

B J became a successful singer and songwriter and has told thousands about his suicide, followed by his God-given escape from an unpleasant afterlife.

Quotes from “Living Beyond” follow:

 Changing Venues

Some suicides begin with an unpleasant NDE that changes venues as lessons are learnt within it. Tamara Laroux’s NDE illustrates this process.

Tamara, as a troubled 15-year-old, shot herself. She called out ‘God forgive me!’ just before pulling the trigger.

She went first to a Prison section in Hades and experienced the torment there, becoming a ‘being of fear and pain’. She felt total isolation despite being amongst a sea of thousands of others, because she perceived that they were all experiencing feelings similar to her own. Just by looking at someone, she could sense his or her thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, and details of earlier sins and behaviours.

Then she was scooped out of that place and carried over a yawning gulf separating in Hades the Prison sections from the Paradise sections.

Why had she been rescued from the Prison? She supposes because of her desperate cry to God as she pulled the trigger.

Other suicides may be moved from one section of the Prison to another.

A number describe beginning in the darkness of the Void before moving on to a section apparently designed specifically for their kind of suicide.

We find both venues described by Annabel Chaplin. She states that suicides are in the Void for a very long time, before moving on to a ‘Land of Despair’. She describes this as an alien and strange place enveloped by a dull, heavy foreboding.

“Victims resided in the still air, completely bent over with their heads … covered with dark shrouds. There was no communication with the victims immersed in their own bleak world of gloom and who were unaware of anything but their self-imposed misery – perhaps this was ‘his own place’ to which Judas was consigned (Acts 1:25). New arrivals were powerless to reverse their descent to this awful place, even as they recognized their fate and struggled against it.”

Annabel hoped that the souls who had repented ‘long enough’ would fulfil their need for repentance and could eventually find their way back to the light.

We would all join her in that hope.

End Part 5

Link to Part 6











