You Don’t Belong Here!

You Don’t Belong Here!

You Don’t Belong Here!

In terms of helping people, this has been by far my most effective book. The fact that it was turned into a video film that was shown at least twice on national TV in South Africa will have spread its message more widely than the print media alone could have done. I have received dozens of letters of appreciation from people who had been struggling with addictions or relationship problems, whose lives were revolutionised for the better because of the book. Two prison chaplains described how inmates have responded to its message in their gaols, and have influenced other prisoners to do the same.

I wish I could write another with a similar impact! Any suggestions out there?

It is the biography of the colourful James Thomson. It deals with his slide downwards into the degradation of hopeless alcoholism and his different attempts to escape. And then, just as his addiction seems inescapable and suicide is his only option, something extraordinary happens………

I have a few copies of this title that I can mail (worldwide for A$30, Australiawide for $20). Just send me a cheque or money order. I’d be happy to inscribe the book with any message you may choose -you may wish to use it as a gift.
